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1989, Romanian Revolution
Правда об Афганской войне
Чехословакия. Вторжение 1968 года
О наследии художника Чекрыгина
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The Ethics of Life series

The Great Ape Debate
Why Pay More for Fairness?
End the Silence Over Chechnya
Free speech, Muhammad, and the Holocaust
Devaluing Life
Fear and Freedom on the Internet
The revolutionary ethics of embryo research
Who Pays for Bird Flu?

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The Human Rights series

Monica Macovei. The Secret Policeman's Fall.
Charles Tannock. Iraq's Anti-Christian Pogroms
Alvaro de Vasconcelos. The War on «Democratization»
Li Datong. A New Dawn for Chinese Journalism?
Ivan Ivanov. Europe's Racist Schools
Jiří Dienstbier. The Balkans on Trial
Gary Becker. The Morality of Capital Punishment
Aryeh Neier. Milosevic's Trial Was Not in Vain
Amal Kashf Al-Ghitta. The War Against Iraq's Children
Emma Bonino. Poppy Power
Aryeh Neier. The Bush Repression
Rick van der Ploeg and Heleen Mees. Affirmative Action for Europe
Aldis Kuskis. Stop Coddling Belarus
Marek Antoni Nowicki. The Intervention Syndrome
David Rieff. Down With Human Rights

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