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1989, Romanian Revolution
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Чехословакия. Вторжение 1968 года
О наследии художника Чекрыгина
Адвокация: права ребенка
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Letter to the European Parliament: Support Prisoner Alexei Pichugin! in English, in Russian, in Czech


About us

The international publishing group Human Rights Publishers was founded in 2004 by three organizations: Human Rights Publishers, Prague; Izdatelstvo Prava Cheloveka, Moscow; and Izhevsk-based NGO Redaktsiya zhurnala Pravozaschitnik (Human Rights Defender journal).

Human Rights Publishers focuses its activities on the books and periodicals of interest to the NGO community and all those concerned with civil society development. It also publishes works of nonfiction such as memoirs, documentary accounts, research, and textbooks.

The publishing house works on the basis of commercial orders and contracts, providing its clients with a full range of editorial and publishing services, while the journal Human Rights Defender is funded through grant support.


Vladimir Vedrashko, editorial director

Launched his professional career as assistant to TV-show for children at Central Television, Moscow. Passed military service in East Germany in 1975–1977.

A graduate in International Journalism from Moscow Institute of International Affairs, 1982. Worked for a number of Soviet and Russian media. In 1988–1991 Pravda correspondent in Romania.

Co-founder of the Human Rights Publishers, Ltd. in Moscow in 1995. Founder of the Human Rights Publishers, Ltd. in Prague in 1999.

Since 1994 editor-in-chief of the NGO quarterly Pravozaschitnik (Human Right Defender).
Since 2007 broadcaster at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague.


Russia Beyond the Headlines, 9/2008. “A sultry summer after the Prague Spring”
Respekt, 21/08. “A Muscovite in Prague”
Fletcher Forum, Summer/Fall 2002. “Civil Society in Russia: Bearing the Unbearable in the Name of the State”

Also available in Russian and in Czech